Asylum cases for Ukrainian citizens will now be processed by the Danish Immigration Service

The situation in Ukraine and the question of resuming the processing of cases were recently discussed in the Coordinating Committee of the Refugee Appeals Board.

The committee decided that the current conflict in Ukraine has no immediate prospect of a resolution.

As a result, the committee decided that cases involving Ukrainian citizens can no longer remain passive. This means that these cases will now be handled by the Danish Immigration Service.

If you are a Ukrainian citizen and your asylum case is going to be tried by the Danish Immigration Service, you are more than welcome to contact the experienced asylum lawyers at Advokatkompagniet for counseling.

We will also be happy to assist if you receive a rejection of your asylum case. This means your case automatically will be appealed to the Refugee Appeals Board, and you are entitled to have a lwayer appointed free of charge.

You can call us at +45 86 12 44 00.

Ask for lawyer Annette Hannibal, lawyer Vibeke Haahr Antonsen, or lawyer Jesper Lyngby Andersen.

+45 86 12 44 00 

Nørreport 26
8000 Aarhus C

Advokat & partner
Annette Møller Hannibal
(+45) 35 90 40 90

Vibeke Haahr Antonsen

Jesper Lyngby Andersen

Katrine Bach Johansen
+45 33 60 30 21

Kirsten Bøjer
+45 33 60 30 22